Osteopathy Assists Orthdontic Correction
Proper alignment of the teeth, occlusion, is dependent on correct alignment of the upper jaw (maxilla) to the lower jaw (mandible). In order to make changes in tooth alignment you need to change the jaw alignment AND ensure proper movement and alignment of 22 bones in the head and face. The skull is not as rigid as it seems to be. Small movements occur occur between the bones to accommodate structural changes. Cranial osteopathic treatment assists orthodontic correction by helping all the bones of the skull and face adjust to accommodate the orthodontic changes. This helps you to better tolerate the orthdontic changes and keep you in structural balance.
While undergoing orthodontic work, there are considerable stresses not only only the jaw, but also in the head, face, neck and back. There are 136 muscles in the head and neck region. Muscle tension or spasm will decrease skull motion and cause cranial strains. In addition, stress built up in the jaws and cranium during orthodontics can be transmitted to the rest of the body resulting in neck pain, jaw pain, face pain, headaches or other abnormalities. Osteopathic treatment releases muscles and fascial tensions and facilitates jaw/ tooth movement, cranial movement, and treats pain in other areas of the body.
Orthodontic Appliances
Orthodontic appliances fall into 2 categories: fixed or functional. Fixed appliances such as braces or head gear significantly limits the motion of the maxilla, mandible and other bones of the skull. Functional appliances, such as the ALF, advanced lightwire functional, permit more cranial bone motion and are preferable when they are capable of making the needed correction. Osteopathic treatment before and during the orthodontic correction can assist in holding the correction over time and help maintain general health and structural alignement.